Saturday, December 30, 2006

Firsts in 2006!

2006 marked a lot of firsts for me.. I can say 2006 rocked, for me, at least... The list is quite long.. il cut it short.. I hope I don’t forget the major incidents.. So here goes my list.. No particular order... I wrote what came to my mind first..

Ø Got my driving license for both car and geared two wheeler..[hey I can drive a bike!!! Guys watch out.. lol.. [rt now thinking about taking an auto and bus license too]

Ø Was allowed to take the car out alone, including to college, without my parents accompanying.:)

Ø Was allowed to go for movies with my friends.[superman first movie with my classmates and classmates first movie with uniymates:)]

Ø Joined uniy after a long time of procrastination.. for those who aren’t members u seriously r missing a lot.. but do understand my procrastination had a valid reason..

Ø At last had a school reunion which was put of umpteen no. of times… which was a real blast.. it was gr8 meeting old friends..

Ø Did my first group dance after coming to college…

Ø Participated for the first time in dhwani’06.. Best part was I was part of the team which came first in rangoli..[something I never even dreamed il ever take part in let alone win] So this also includes my first cash prize in an intercollegiate fest I think..

Ø This year included me orkutting for the first time.. I think it was during april or May.. Well this may sound insignificant… but orkut rocks!! coz I found my old friends including my first standard friends through orkut..:)

Ø Well I got MY first so sari (except for the kasavu sari I didn’t have another sari to b called my ownL) wore it without anyone’s help.. [ mind u… my grandma approved tat I know how to wear sari properly.. and its not easy to please her:)]

Ø Got my first bank account..[Account zero balance aaneee…no money needs to b put..;D][n ya I know biig deal, u all had one b4:)]

Ø Well I never had guys as my close friends till now other than in till primary[in primary teachers used to make me sit with boys coz I used to be a chatterbox... well it was too late wen they realized pattiude valu kozhalilitalum nereavoolla:D(for ppl who don’t understand Malayalam tat means even if u put a dog’s tail in a pipe it wont b stay straight or something like that, mallu proverb)]

Ø Wrote my first Kerala university exams and technically became a “senior” for at least some ppl in college [well this doesn’t fascinate me too much but still u got to say it all na..:)]

Ø First time stayin out more than once, just with my friends, for ymca meetings n for treats:P

Ø For the first time stayed out till 1:30 am for dhwani and after which my dad came to take us back home..… [how cud v leav without seeing our college especially mask’s dance? At least tat was our reason:D] Consequence of the previous mentioned there was the first sleepover at my house.. A1,A2,A3 and meeeeeeeeeeeeeee…… all flat in my living room…:D

Ø Last but not the least I started blogging..:)

When I remember more il write it….. So happy new year to everyone.. I suppose this will be my last post for the year 2006.. Hope my next year is eventful too.. Life ROCKS for me right now!!

PS:sorry that this post is slightly long..


Abhi said...

Good to know that you had a ROCKING 2006. But then getting a BUS license wd seriously put the safety of people riding in buses in jeopardy. Since you drive tooo much like me!

And about the grp dance. Well i thnk it's better i dnt mention how the stage had to be REINFORCED to withstand the assault!

Also it's good to know that you're havin a great time @ Uni-Y. I feel happy to have given that part of ur life to u!

Shocky said...

actually do try for a truck license too.......could be useful.....hopin to see a bigger blog wid ur achievements in 2k7....cheers


Unknown said...

certainly lotsa of happenings in 2006!
sindy, wishing you a more eventful 2007, too :D

Hari said...

Hey Sindy.. Grt to hear that u had a Rockin 2006.. Fully agreein with Abhi abt the bus license thing.. The way u ride the activa scares people off the roads.. Interestin to know what specialities stood out 4 u in the year that flew past.
Stage beein reinforced.. "Giggles".. Heehee... Abhi u got that rite..
Wishin u the very best 2007

Arun said...

Please drive carefully.
Happy New Year '007

Arun said...

like to add u in orkut. what is ur id ?

Sindhya said...

@abhi.. ya i really had a rocking 2006..n il take care of the passengers if i get a bus license..dont worry[:p]abt the dance..this time u guys may hav to make it with concrete..[:d]
ya thanks for bringin me to uniy.. thanks a looot..i appreciate it..[:)]

@muni..ya il try someday.. now very busy so cant do it now.. ya hope i hav better achievements in 2k7..[:)]

@akky..thanks for the wishes..[:)]

@hari..ya 2k6 rocked for me.. after all collg rocks..who in the world got scared??? n wat if i get a bike??? u guys r gona stop using the road..[:D] and abt the dance this year wat i said to abhi applies to u too..[:P]

@arun.. ya il drive carefully..[:)] well abt orkut.. giv a search for sindhya kartha mine will be only one who turns up.[:)]